Spotlighting the Future of Automotive Materials

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As the automotive industry shifts toward more sustainable practices, the use of alternative materials in the manufacturing process is becoming an increasingly important topic. Throughout the year, the JVIS team is taking a closer look at some of the latest developments and innovations in lightweighting vehicles and advancing technologies to improve range and how they are helping to make cars more environmentally friendly. 

Below are the first two materials we are spotlighting in our social series on the Future of Automotive Materials

Stainless Steel 

First up are new developments in stainless steel to make vehicles lighter and more sustainable. New steels are being created with precise composites and advanced processing techniques like advanced high-strength steel and ultra-high-strength steel that can reduce the weight of a car by up to 25%. Additionally, researchers are exploring eco-friendly processing methods, such as green steel, that use hydrogen instead of coking coal and emit water instead of carbon. 


Aluminum has gained popularity in the auto industry for its light and strong qualities, leading to lighter cars and improved fuel efficiency. As demand for eco-friendly, fuel-efficient vehicles grows, aluminum is expected to play an even bigger role for automakers investing in advanced alloys and manufacturing innovations to enhance performance and reduce costs. 

New aluminum advancements in the automotive industry also include the use of metal foaming, where gases such as nitrogen or argon are injected into a liquid metal, creating an aluminum foam that can be utilized to manufacture lightweight and sturdy parts for vehicles such as structural components and crash-absorbing parts. This technology can reduce the weight of parts by up to 95% and offers the potential for enhanced energy-efficiency and lower emissions.  

With the auto industry continuing to incorporate more environmentally friendly and lighter materials to improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, the expert team at JVIS is always keeping a pulse on new and emerging materials to see what is applicable to automotive standards.  

Keep up on the latest advancements in automotive materials by following us on LinkedIn.   

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